Experience deep pressure and profound relaxation with

Ashiatsu Massage

Ashiatsu or barefoot massage is a technique in which a massage therapist uses their foot to apply pressure to their client’s body. An overhead system of dowel rods and an accompanying strap allow the massage therapist to stabilize themselves, adjust pressure, and offer a safe bodywork experience. A specialized extra-wide table that holds up to 850lbs is used for barefoot massage services.

At Wild Nettle Wellness, we ensure that the highest quality Ashiatsu/barefoot massage services are offered, with a focus on the client’s wellbeing and overall experience in the space. Ashiatsu/barefoot massage requires that the therapist performing the service takes the upmost care in their foot health, and the therapist washes their feet with a soapy water solution followed with an alcohol based cleaning spray immediately before stepping onto the table.

Ashiatsu massage is not recommended for clients with osteoporosis, risks of blood clots or deep vein thrombosis, client’s with diabetes who also have numbness in their extremities, and clients on certain types of medications that compromise bone health such as chemo or radiation. You should always consult with your primary care physician before receiving bodywork if you have questions or concerns.